
Outside House Tour

I have had a few people remind me that I don't have many, if any, pictures of the outside of my casa. Well, that is because the outside receives minimal love and has a to-do list a mile long. I've been busy at work on the inside and only remember to mow the grass when I can't find Paris in it. Okay, it isn't that bad, but the yard is in an embarrassingly sad shape.

So to appease the masses (all 3 of you) I decided to make a video tour of the outside. Please note that my appearance is seriously lacking since I was doing yard work in 100 degrees at the time of this video. Without further ado, the much-awaited, completely unedited video:

Things to note:
  • Can't hear me talking at the beginning. The wind didn't want to play nice while I tried to film.
  • Weed beds, not flower beds. They are more like jungle beds...maybe that is the new eco-friendly design? These really must get attention soon.
  • Number of crepe myrtles. There must have been a mad sale on them because there are 9 of them in our yard. Yep, 9! And I have successfully killed two of them already.
  • Monkey grass everywhere. Must have been on sale just like the crepe myrtles. I hate the stuff and think it make that house look dated, not to mention the bugs and snakes (eek!) that could live in it.
  • My spray painting area is well used. I would love to have an actual spray booth, but until I get my dream home, the cast off mirror and plant stand will work nicely.
  • The video quality is bad. I saved it in a web format so it would load up quicker.
  • Anyways seems to be the word of the day.
Anyways, (he he) I need your help and ideas for my plea about the back yard. We want to connect the patio to the master bed door since the door currently steps out into the yard. The plan is to cover the existing concrete patio or tear it out. What thinks y'all?


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Flagstone with grass/moss growing in the cracks? And love your accent!

  2. Great idea! A neighbor has a flag stone sidewalk and I drool over it. And thank you for the accent love - I don't think I have a southern accent until someone says something about it.
