
Man Cave - Sofa options

The seating in the Man Cave is seriously lacking. When we moved into the casa, we stuck the left over apartment futon in there as a place holder. It sits on a wood frame and has a thin pad for a mattress – not a good combination. It’s not comfortable to sit on, and certainly not comfortable to sleep on - it makes you want one of those old sleeper sofas. Even the old bar under your back felt better than this! That is definitely not the way I want guests to feel. Futons are out - at least in this space.

Given that we already have a room dedicated to guests, with a comfy queen size bed, the Man Cave is a bonus sleeping room. We don’t have to have a sleeping option in there; but it is really nice to have when there are multiple overnight guests crashing at our house. And with limited space to work with, since the primary purpose is a hide-out / stash-the-stuff sort of room for the hubby, a full size bed is not an option.
So with a futon and a full size bed out of the picture, and the need for some seating and sleeping space in the picture, the only option left is a sleeper sofa, or in my case a sleeper loveseat. (Cue scary music.) A sleeper sofa? Yup…and I still have doubts about how comfy a sleeper sofa will be for guests, given past bar-in-the-back experiences, but it seems to be the best option. It’s time for some Internet shopping to see what is out there in the gray/graphite/charcoal color scheme.

Option #1 - CB2            $999.00
Option #2 - Klaussner   $708.52
Option #3 - IKEA           $149.00

All three of these options meet the requirements for the space. And all three are drool worthy. Hmmm, wonder which option I'm going to go with. Duh - option #1. Just kidding, option #3 it is! The IKEA Solsta sofa bed looks like a cheaper-little brother to option #1, which is perfect for my cheap-o self. And with some throw pillows for extra comfort, it is the definite winner. However, I don't have an IKEA any where remotely close to me. It is a 6 hour drive, one way...better start driving!

Well, there it is in the Man Cave, along with all the hubby-stashed stuff. It fits the space perfectly and folds out into a bed...with no bar across the back!

For $149, I couldn't be happier. The Man Cave remodel is almost complete!

Let me know about your sleeper sofa or futon trials and tribulations. Do you love them or hate them?

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